booking idsAutomattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Overrides\Order Object
[id:protected] => 0
[data:protected] => Array
[parent_id] => 0
[status] =>
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[version] =>
[prices_include_tax] =>
[date_created] =>
[date_modified] =>
[discount_total] => 0
[discount_tax] => 0
[shipping_total] => 0
[shipping_tax] => 0
[cart_tax] => 0
[total] => 0
[total_tax] => 0
[customer_id] => 0
[order_key] =>
[billing] => Array
[first_name] =>
[last_name] =>
[company] =>
[address_1] =>
[address_2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postcode] =>
[country] =>
[email] =>
[phone] =>
[shipping] => Array
[first_name] =>
[last_name] =>
[company] =>
[address_1] =>
[address_2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postcode] =>
[country] =>
[phone] =>
[payment_method] =>
[payment_method_title] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[customer_ip_address] =>
[customer_user_agent] =>
[created_via] =>
[customer_note] =>
[date_completed] =>
[date_paid] =>
[cart_hash] =>
[order_stock_reduced] =>
[download_permissions_granted] =>
[new_order_email_sent] =>
[recorded_sales] =>
[recorded_coupon_usage_counts] =>
[changes:protected] => Array
[object_read:protected] => 1
[object_type:protected] => order
[extra_data:protected] => Array
[default_data:protected] => Array
[parent_id] => 0
[status] =>
[currency] =>
[version] =>
[prices_include_tax] =>
[date_created] =>
[date_modified] =>
[discount_total] => 0
[discount_tax] => 0
[shipping_total] => 0
[shipping_tax] => 0
[cart_tax] => 0
[total] => 0
[total_tax] => 0
[customer_id] => 0
[order_key] =>
[billing] => Array
[first_name] =>
[last_name] =>
[company] =>
[address_1] =>
[address_2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postcode] =>
[country] =>
[email] =>
[phone] =>
[shipping] => Array
[first_name] =>
[last_name] =>
[company] =>
[address_1] =>
[address_2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postcode] =>
[country] =>
[phone] =>
[payment_method] =>
[payment_method_title] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[customer_ip_address] =>
[customer_user_agent] =>
[created_via] =>
[customer_note] =>
[date_completed] =>
[date_paid] =>
[cart_hash] =>
[order_stock_reduced] =>
[download_permissions_granted] =>
[new_order_email_sent] =>
[recorded_sales] =>
[recorded_coupon_usage_counts] =>
[data_store:protected] => WC_Data_Store Object
[instance:WC_Data_Store:private] => WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT Object
[meta_type:protected] => post
[object_id_field_for_meta:protected] =>
[internal_meta_keys:protected] => Array
[0] => _customer_user
[1] => _order_key
[2] => _order_currency
[3] => _billing_first_name
[4] => _billing_last_name
[5] => _billing_company
[6] => _billing_address_1
[7] => _billing_address_2
[8] => _billing_city
[9] => _billing_state
[10] => _billing_postcode
[11] => _billing_country
[12] => _billing_email
[13] => _billing_phone
[14] => _shipping_first_name
[15] => _shipping_last_name
[16] => _shipping_company
[17] => _shipping_address_1
[18] => _shipping_address_2
[19] => _shipping_city
[20] => _shipping_state
[21] => _shipping_postcode
[22] => _shipping_country
[23] => _shipping_phone
[24] => _completed_date
[25] => _paid_date
[26] => _edit_lock
[27] => _edit_last
[28] => _cart_discount
[29] => _cart_discount_tax
[30] => _order_shipping
[31] => _order_shipping_tax
[32] => _order_tax
[33] => _order_total
[34] => _payment_method
[35] => _payment_method_title
[36] => _transaction_id
[37] => _customer_ip_address
[38] => _customer_user_agent
[39] => _created_via
[40] => _order_version
[41] => _prices_include_tax
[42] => _date_completed
[43] => _date_paid
[44] => _payment_tokens
[45] => _billing_address_index
[46] => _shipping_address_index
[47] => _recorded_sales
[48] => _recorded_coupon_usage_counts
[49] => _download_permissions_granted
[50] => _order_stock_reduced
[51] => _new_order_email_sent
[must_exist_meta_keys:protected] => Array
[internal_data_store_key_getters:protected] => Array
[_download_permissions_granted] => download_permissions_granted
[_recorded_sales] => recorded_sales
[_recorded_coupon_usage_counts] => recorded_coupon_usage_counts
[_order_stock_reduced] => order_stock_reduced
[_new_order_email_sent] => new_order_email_sent
[stores:WC_Data_Store:private] => Array
[coupon] => WC_Coupon_Data_Store_CPT
[customer] => WC_Customer_Data_Store
[customer-download] => WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store
[customer-download-log] => WC_Customer_Download_Log_Data_Store
[customer-session] => WC_Customer_Data_Store_Session
[order] => WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
[order-refund] => WC_Order_Refund_Data_Store_CPT
[order-item] => WC_Order_Item_Data_Store
[order-item-coupon] => WC_Order_Item_Coupon_Data_Store
[order-item-fee] => WC_Order_Item_Fee_Data_Store
[order-item-product] => WC_Order_Item_Product_Data_Store
[order-item-shipping] => WC_Order_Item_Shipping_Data_Store
[order-item-tax] => WC_Order_Item_Tax_Data_Store
[payment-token] => WC_Payment_Token_Data_Store
[product] => WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT
[product-grouped] => WC_Product_Grouped_Data_Store_CPT
[product-variable] => WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_CPT
[product-variation] => WC_Product_Variation_Data_Store_CPT
[shipping-zone] => WC_Shipping_Zone_Data_Store
[webhook] => WC_Webhook_Data_Store
[report-revenue-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\Stats\DataStore
[report-orders] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\DataStore
[report-orders-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\Stats\DataStore
[report-products] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Products\DataStore
[report-variations] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\DataStore
[report-products-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Products\Stats\DataStore
[report-variations-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\Stats\DataStore
[report-categories] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Categories\DataStore
[report-taxes] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Taxes\DataStore
[report-taxes-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Taxes\Stats\DataStore
[report-coupons] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Coupons\DataStore
[report-coupons-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Coupons\Stats\DataStore
[report-downloads] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Downloads\DataStore
[report-downloads-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Downloads\Stats\DataStore
[admin-note] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Notes\DataStore
[report-customers] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Customers\DataStore
[report-customers-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Customers\Stats\DataStore
[report-stock-stats] => Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Stock\Stats\DataStore
[current_class_name:WC_Data_Store:private] => WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
[object_type:WC_Data_Store:private] => order
[cache_group:protected] => orders
[meta_data:protected] => Array
[legacy_datastore_props:protected] => Array
[0] => _recorded_sales
[1] => _recorded_coupon_usage_counts
[2] => _download_permissions_granted
[3] => _order_stock_reduced
[4] => _new_order_email_sent
[items:protected] => Array
[line_items] => Array
[tax_lines] => Array
[shipping_lines] => Array
[fee_lines] => Array
[coupon_lines] => Array
[items_to_delete:protected] => Array
[data_store_name:protected] => order
[status_transition:protected] =>
[refunds] =>
[refunded_line_items:protected] =>
[customer_id] =>
Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase is on it’s way to your email.
You’ll get all the info you need about your stay with us via email, including
- Google maps link to help you find us
- Self check-in instructions with key code to access your suite
- Helpful hints to great things to see and do when you’re here